A Hand Delivered Bouquet Card

What better way to say I love you this year than a card AND flowers all rolled into one?! This really simple card idea can be made on all sorts of paper, with all sorts of flowers, so an easy no-stress option (that you might not need to be too involved in!).

A Hand Delivered Bouquet Card

You will need coloured paper (the thicker the better), white paper, glue and some fresh flowers! If you would like this card to last longer, why not use already pressed/dried flowers, or even painted paper flowers?!

Draw around your hand on white paper and cut out.

Stick the palm of your hand onto the font of a folded card – horizontally.

Inside your hand, glue down some real flowers.

Fold your fingers over the flower stems and glue down – Voila! Give to your loved one as soon as possible while flowers are still fresh!

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